Friday, November 4, 2022

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For LTSC the tool still offers the vanilla Thanks I saw option to put some hash vslue in it it never worked also where does the Iso get created. ISO is created directly beside the tool, you can't miss it ;. That was referring to how the SVF files are created.

Iirc there's no key prompt, but even if there is one, it can be skipped 'I don't have a product key' hyper-link. Activate Office manually in regular inttervals. I had every single windows 10 edition under the sun!

Shall I DM you? If you go back to this directory - here , there's a checksum. Download it and verify. Both are same and has no diff xD. Those are official vlsc checksums. You can trust it easily as it's from wzor. If you're still paranoid, wait for mvs isos and checksum img. I'm gonna wait until someone puts up a torrent for both versions. Having a limited data plan sucks for my side. I will be messaging you on UTC to remind you of this link.

Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. But once updated, both releases of come out the same? Or is there some benefit to reinstalling this rerelease?

Sorry if it's a silly question. If both are updated once installed there is no difference at all. The link is taken from MDL forums.

It's a mirror of the iso from the original cloudmail link. You can check the SHA-1 against the hashes if you like to verify authenticity. Okay because i read some comments below in this thread about Russian server and hosted on shitty Link. Just wanna make sure. I did one on a virtual machine and it went smoothly. I tried it because I saw people saying you could only do a clean install.

Hmm, cloudmail is the only available source to the rereleased iso right now, I'll update the post if I find new links. Yeah, the reason I didn't post the instructions here was I thought that some people wouldn't be bothered to use the script I am aware of that. As of now, the cloudmail link is the only available link to the updated iso, I can't reupload because I didn't download it.

Theoretically it should be better for gaming since there isint any crap on it haha. Also, it does not come with the windows store app as well as the Xbox app. I just tried the 64 bit version, but can't get rufus to burn it.

EDIT: ok so I redownloaded the iso, this time I was able to burn it to a usb using rufus, I can boot from it, but it errors out during the install process, saying files are corrupt.

Try extracting the contents of the iso to the flash drive 7zip can do this and booting from it. The 2nd ISO I did extract so I'll give it a try, But this is the ISO I was able to get to work with rufus, and it did boot, but the install messed up in the middle saying files were corrupt.

ISO contains both. This is MS's decision. When installing you willl be prompted to choose N or non-N. Hmm they might have split the N version into its own separate iso when they rereleased it, but I'm sure the original iso the one with the file deletion bug had N and non-N in the same iso.

Everything works fine apart from I can't enable location services. Hmm, I'm not sure.. When was the last time you updated first two 32bit and 64bit links? If it was in the last 30 days, could you please provide me with the links before you updated them? I made the post 62 days ago, and updated the links 54 days ago I don't see why you would want the original link as the original one gives a I downloaded 64bit version from this post one month-ish ago, and i got nice performance increase in games compared to windows 10 pro for some reason, so i just wanted to make sure that nothing has changed and that i download the same version i did one month ago for my new rig.

I see, just run windows update after you installed LTSC and it will download all available updates for you. Installation and activation using kms38 seems ok. But I have a spare office key, it is ok to use it in this OS, or it may conflict? I didn't installed nothing yet. I know adgaurd has windows 10 RS5 I really appreciate the LTSC isos uploaded here. Actually, multiple edition isos are official, esp the 1 I mentioned.

However, it still receives monthly security updates. It dosent matter what version of the iso you get. Just run windows update after installation and it will get your system updated. As stated in the title of the thread it is the Rereleased iso Nov as the original one had the file deletion bug and was pulled.

And LTSC is what build ? No, its updated as of November Once installed run windows update to get the latest security updates. LTSC is based on windows 10 build Meaning, new features in , will not be available to LTSC Yes, of course you can. This will activate it till Extract the.

Then go to settings, and set windows photo viewer as default program for Photo Viewer. What build number is this? For WMR searches only tell me it requires the creators update which was I believe. Hey, can I update using an OEM activated normal windows 10 from this and choose keep my apps?

No you cannot. You have to do a clean install. Will this install into a VM as it would bare metal? I want to kick the tires on this before I make it my daily driver. Can language be changed after downloading a certain language? If I download English I can switch to Italian after installation?

Or here? It will still work? You aren't going to be able to hide malware inside an iso while matching the existing checksums. You'd almost certainly not even be able to find any pattern of bytes that produces the same checksum. And if you did, it would most likely result in something completely unusable. Don't download it if you don't trust it I don't mean to be rude; it's an old post and you do a great service for this community.

But, I would like to put my mind at ease, so could you please link people verifying that these checksums are legitimate? Share the link. Add a Comment. Later today i will add Server , the SVFs just got uploaded. I never understood how the tool need to be used?

And also does it generates complete Iso? I'm not sure.. Im not sure which version has the bug and which hasnt. It's the same idea, just an updated version. I wonder if there is still that bug with disconnecting bluetooth audio in random intervals I beleive the earlier release was an insider preview - could be wrong though.

Earlier LTSC is but with the file deletion bug. Ah I see.


Windows 10 enterprise ltsb download reddit free download

  Host meetings for free on Skype. No sing-up or download required.)との宣伝文句が書かれています。この広告を非表示にしたい場合は、右上 以前はWindows10 LTSB(Long Term Service Branch)と呼ばれていたWindows 10 LTSC(Long Term Service Channelの略)は、Windows10のバージョン    


Reddit - Piracy - LTSC Rereleased ISO (x32/x64 EN).The overview of leading agricultural product of Southeast Asia: Good for invest - Avirtech


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Tech Support - dedicated to solving problems and helping others out. The minimum amount of purchase is usually five if without an existing agreement example. I purchased five licenses without having to give company details. Some resellers may be willing to sell single copies to familiar customers. There are of course other ways to get LTSB but it's not allowed to discuss in this sub and is not safe either.

If you have multiple PCs, then buying 5 licences may be ok but for most of us mere mortals, that is far too expensive. You might want to hamstring yourself without new features, but do not bloody assume everybody does. But i cant live with Pro - it already had corrupted my installation 2 times on feature updates, and i had to reinstall all my stuff. I simply dont have time for reinstalling on a semi-annual basis, i need my workstation to get stuff done.

I could live with the features i dont need nor want, deleting candy crush and fixing all my settings again after updates, but not with broken installations. Its Ltsb for me until Msft gets their act together not holding my breath , i will check back again in when support for this version of Ltsb is ending. Hm dont know, i get the licenses from the place i work at, for my work at home PCs. So i didnt pay it personally. I'm from EU too.

Windows 10 Pro is too short-lived , and is nothing close to reliability or availability Microsoft used to offer. Still remember the free upgrades towards Windows 10 Pro offered by Microsoft? There is no free lunch. Microsoft uses these free-to-play users for cost reduction purposes for their release of Service Packs. Those Windows 10 updates are essentially just service packs. Why do you think they are new versions of Windows? Yes these are essentially service packs.

The point is that these service packs are supported for too short, forcing you to do feature updates every 18 months even if you use WSUS. For security reasons, most organizations can't accept to deploy EOL versions of Windows 10 for production. This is like living in a house where you know that you are going to be forced to get evicted very 18 months for the sake of renovation. You simply can't settle down. I suggest you go over to sysadmin and speak to people who actually no a thing or two instead of this windows10 apologists sub.

I agree that at some point LTSB is going to run into issues. However, I'd expect this to be a lot later than 18 months. All those posts? They can't address the month limitation. Like I said, I don't have time to fix issues every 18 months.

Statistically the update is the worst. The supported lifecycle isn't all that relevant. When it comes to Windows, people usually cite the "necessity" of Windows Updates, but the value of security patches and ongoing updates to a system is somewhat overrated.

Even the most egregrious security vulnerabilities can easily be avoided with some very basic security practices on the user's part. What empirical data is there to support this claim?

The reason I question it is because people have made the same claim for pretty much every single release of Windows. XP isn't as reliable as my old trusty Windows 98 SE, Windows 98 isn't as reliable as Windows 95, Windows 95 just isn't up to snuff compared to Windows 3. Not sure what you mean by availability.

Can you demonstrate how these "Free to play" users reduce costs? Can you demonstrate how that reduction in cost is linked directly to "service packs" or at least explain what you mean when you say Service Packs since Windows 10 doesn't receive them, unless you've decided to call feature updates Service Packs. How does that factor in to Microsoft's evil plot to somehow reduce costs? This sounds like unfounded assertions that have been accepted because you really want them to be true but without any strong supporting evidence.

Not to mention the danger in public Wi-Fi networks. The admin won't approve it. It's like not injecting vaccinations. In some countries vaccination is compulsory by law. From the perspective of software engineering, you need time for each new release of OS to settle down with debug. Even Microsoft knows this. The proof is that they offer two different channels: one as Semi-Annual, and another as Semi-Annual Targeted. Microsoft now roll out feature updates into the "Semi-Annual Channel Targeted " with poor quality control.

They use the guinea pig users to find bug, so they can prepare fixes for the "Semi-Annual Channel" at lower cost. You can't reliably block feature updates. It's at the mercy of Microsoft to receive forced feature updates.

I also remember earphones bought in the s that I used till , then I lost them. Same with old Nokia phones, Sony Walkmans and so on. The global economy in the internet age doesn't work with products that last, no matter how much money you spent on them.

Pro gives you everything a home user can want. You got lucky that someone sold you a single licence. What ads is it that everyone is getting?

I think I have seen an ad for Office whatever current version or something once between two pcs running win 10 home since the public beta. And it's not. I don't have a single ad on my PC. Suggestions turned off and it's just bliss. Bloatware can be uninstalled. It's just annoying to have to do this in the first place, but we'll have to endure it. Yeah twist my words and make up shit.

I have 0 ads. If you're stupid enough and you are, judging by this to stop them, it's your own fault. Windows 10 Pro, even Windows 10 Enterprise comes out of the box with some games and shortcuts pointing to paid products from the Microsoft Store that automatically install themselves unless you do some PowerShell scripting during deployment.

To me, that sure doesn't feel like a Professional or Enterprise version. You don't want games on a corporate system or links to app listings the business has no intention to acquire. Sure, you can remove them through scripting, but you're making more work for the deployment team to remove stuff that should arguably not be there in the first place.

So much this. People that have little to no experience with windows will not never know the feeling of running an OS without ads, bloat or even forced semi annual upgrades.

Just like Windows 9 modified 8. I can disable unwanted stuff on Pro and I still get the newer features on my personal machine. LTSB in my workflow would be for purpose assigned workstations, backup hard drives and VMs that I don't want frequent windows update to create offline time or affect stability.

Quite happy. I even have Photoshop CC and all of the office apps on their, and they all work a dream. It's the best version, imo, really fast, light and stable even when I had it installed as non LTSB on my pc. It'd be nice if you could read. Unstable updates and telemetry. I would also like to add: annoy-ware, beg-ware, bloatware, spyware, resetting settings and default applications, and inconsistencies in the UI.

It's not all about spy. It's also about having to do clean re-installations from time to time. This is even worse than regularly flashing an Android phone. I understand that younger people may have the time and passion to do this on a semi-annual basis and don't mind dealing with issues, but some people prefer not to spend their lives doing this.

Why do you have to reinstall from time to time? Since the Win 10 beta, I have been running 10 on two machines. One a clean install the other was an upgrade install the wife did not want to clean install. I have reinstalled Windows 10 once since then on the clean installed box. That was only because of an SSD boot drive upgrade.

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